
String is the most widely used attribute type. This attribute allows to set an arbitrary text data as value and display it in the context of the page.

Attribute options


String attribute options

Display as

  • Field - in the page management UI this attribute is displayed as a single-line input field.
  • Input - in the page management UI this attribute is displayed as a broad, multi-line, convenient for bulk text input.

Max length

Maximum number of characters for attribute value. Zero means no restrictions.

The default value of the attribute

The value of this attribute by default, unless otherwise not specified by a page editor.


Placeholder for the item in the pages management UI.

Using in the markup

Attribute value type: java.lang.String

Output of an attribute value with escaped html markup:

${asm('attribute name')} or ${'attribute name'.asm}

The output of the attribuite value allowing an html markup:

$!{asm('attribute name')} or $!{'attribute name'.asm}