Wiki markup (wiki)

Rich content as wiki markup. The value of attribute is a html code obtained as a result of a wiki markup parsing.


The best way to embed stylized content (rich content) into your page is to use a wiki or markdown.

In ηCMS 1.0 the following formats of a wiki markup are supported:

Attribute options

Here you can select a markup type mediawiki or markdown.

Edit mode

Wiki markup editor consists of a markup textarea and control buttons. Control buttons help you to make many routine tasks easier:


Wiki markup editor

Below there is a description of the basic controls of wiki markup editor for mediawiki

../../../../_images/wiki_img2.png ../../../../_images/wiki_img3.png ../../../../_images/wiki_img4.png

The headers of the first, second and third level, similar to <h1>, <h2>, <h3> tags in html.


Bold text


Text in italics


Insert bulleted list

Mediawiki markup of a bulleted list:

* First
* second
** The first of the second
* The third


Inserting a numbered list

Mediawiki markup of a numbered list:

# First
# Second
## The first of the second
# The third


Link to ηCMS page:


Page link selection.

As a result, a link to the page appears in the body of the mediawiki editor:


Where b3ac2985453bf87b6851e07bcf4cfadc is the unique page GUID, Documentation is the link text.


Image, link


Inserting an image/image with link.

Parameters of an image insertion

Caption - caption beneath the image. You have to stylize html tags for the image and caption:

<div class="thumb tcenter">
<div class="thumbinner"
    <a class="image"
        <img src="/rs/mw/res/200px-/381/mountain.jpg"
    <div class="framecaption">Mountains</div>

Determine the display of the following styles:

Styles for the image with the caption:

  • div.thumb.tleft, div.thumb.tcenter, div.thumb.tright
  • .thumbinner
  • .thumbimage
  • .framecaption

Styles for images without captions:

  • img.location-left, img.location-center, img.location-right

Image size

  • original – the original size of the image without scaling
  • small – width of the image is 200px
  • medium – width of the image is 400px
  • large – width of the image is 600px


When choosing an image size which differs from the original, the image is scaled and stored on the ηCMS server.

Location of Image

  • default - the positioning styles are not applied.
  • center - an image will be in the center.
    When you insert a centered image with the caption the thumb tcenter css classes are applied for div container with an image. In the absence of a caption, the location-center css class is applied.
  • left - the image is on the left side.
    For an image with the caption the thumb tleft css classes are applied for div container with an image. In the absence of a caption, the location-left css class is applied.
  • right - the image is on the right side.
    For an image with the caption the thumb tright css classes are applied for div container with an image. In the absence of a caption, the location-right css class is applied.


If this field is filled, the clicking on the image opens the selected resource. If the image link is undefined, the click on the image opens image in its original size.


File, link - inserting a link to a file.


File selection dialog

After selecting the file the link to the file is inserted to the wiki markup, for example:


At the same time an ordinary html <a> links will be properly displayed on a page


The file linked with the page is impossible to remove, while its link is in the wiki markup.


Inserting tables


Table data dialog

For the example above the button Insert table will insert the following markup:

{| class='wide'
! Name
! Age
| John
| 25
| Marta
| 24

In this example, the table is converted to the following HTML code:

<div class="wiki">

    <div style="page-break-inside: avoid;">
        <table class="wide">


Insert tree – design of some sites requires a hierarchical tree within the pages.


Tree options

Current options provide the following demo markup:

-- Descendant 1
--- Descendant nesting level 3
-- Descendant nesting level 2

It is converted to HTML with a hierarchical structure based on lists ( <ul>, <li>):

<ul class='tree'>
    <li class='open node'><span></span> Root
            <li class='open node'><span></span> Descendant 1
                    <li class='file'><span></span> Descendant of the nesting level 3</li>
            <li class='file'><span></span> Descendant of the nesting level 2</li>


For proper display of the tree on website pages, a site designer should define .tree css class for suchlike <ul class=’tree’> elements


The tree without stylization


Note Insert – allows inserting the container for notes/warnings to the page.

Wiki markup for warning:

<note style="warning">Note</note>

HTML warning markup, which can be stylized by a site designer:

<div class="note-warn">Note</div>


Insert Youtube video


Wiki markup to insert youtube video:

<youtube videoId="CABN2r4GPpQ"/>

As a result, in the context of the page we get youtube video:


Insert the Google Map


Google map insertion dialog.

For example, you can insert iframe copied from Google map:

<iframe src="!1m14!1m12!1m3!1d2296.7406541371915!2d83.05385026852065!3d54.85480466667143!2m3!1f0!2f0!3f0!3m2!1i1024!2i768!4f13.1!5e0!3m2!1sru!2sru!4v1474967528616"

We get the map on the page:



SlideShare Presentation


Inserting a SlideShare presentation.

In this example, we enter the Internet address of the presentation: to the dialog and, as a result, we get the following wiki markup:

<slideshare code="49593515"/>

On the page we get an embedded presentation:



Vimeo video


Vimeo video insert

Wiki markup for vimeo video:

<vimeo code="105286558"/>

As a result, in the context of the page we get vimeo video:
